2021 CWA 7250 Convention Resolutions
CWA Local 7250 2021 Convention Resolutions
1. Resolution in Solidarity with the Protests in Cuba
2. Resolution for National Day of Action Against AT&T's outsourcing, job cuts, and union-busting
3. Resolution for National Cross-Contract AT&T Strike Committee
4. Resolution Against Labor Laws that Block Effective Strikes and Handcuff Workers Struggles
1. Resolution in Solidarity with the Protests in Cuba
The Communications Workers of America Local 7250 stands with the Cuban people protesting for freedom since the events of July 11 across several cities in Cuba.
In the first international call between our two nations and parent companies in 1917 where Cuba replied," I don't understand you." CWA 7250 understands /we come from a rich history since the beginning; with our founder Joseph Beirne, our union helped union leaders from The Federacion Sindical de Telefonos Cuba escape Cuba once Castro purged the labor movement in Cuba in the early '60s. CWA has always stood in full solidarity with Cuban workers and with the Cuban people in their struggle for labor, human and democratic rights.
CWA 7250 condemns the Cuban government's continued imprisonment, arrest, torture, and other acts of unconscionable harassment against its own people, the working class. CWA ask the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves and using violence and terror. We ask the CWA and all other unions and movements for justice in this country to give solidarity to the protest movement, grassroots organizations, and independent unions in Cuba - and not to the dictatorship.
Resolution offered by Hector Capote & Jandy Santoya and approved by CWA 7250 membership 07/21/2021
2. Resolution for National Day of Action Against AT&T's outsourcing, job cuts, and union-busting
Whereas AT&T promised to create 7,000 new jobs when lobbying for the 2017 Trump corporate tax cuts, and
Whereas AT&T instead has CUT more than 42,000 jobs,and
Whereas among these are the over 500 unionized Retail stores that have been closed and often replaced by non-union "authorized retailers" with the same branding but with substandard wages, benefits and safety conditions, and
Whereas there are real people behind these numbers like Mali Flores, a single mom of three children, who worked at the AT&T store in West St. Paul, MN throughout the COVID pandemic. The West St. Paul store was the only fully bilingual store in the state of Minnesota that attracted Spanish-speaking clientele from across the Twin Cities metro area. Mali and her co-workers not only worked through the pandemic but also survived an armed robbery - for which they were only given one day off. A few months later the company closed the well-performing store and flipped it to a non-union "authorized retailer", and
Whereas CWA 7250 has initiated the #DefendOurJobs campaign to publicly oppose AT&T's attacks on unionized workers, including public protest actions, pressure on elected officials, and preparing for job actions next year, and
Whereas there is a need to expand actions against AT&T across the whole country to highlight the attacks the company is carrying out and CWA's willingness to fight back, therefore,
Be it RESOLVED that CWA shall call for, organize, and carry-out a DAY of ACTION in December 2021 against AT&T's outsourcing, job cuts, and union-busting, involving a range of different kinds of actions across the country fitting the needs and abilities of Locals in the area.
3. Resolution for National Cross-Contract AT&T Strike Committee
Whereas AT&T has successfully used the many separate contracts with our union to divide our members and neutralize our full strength, and
Whereas in 2022 major contracts representing AT&T Mobility, AT&T Midwest, AT&T Legacy, DirecTV and NIC will expire, and
Whereas CWA is an industrial union that has always believed in exercising workers power across the telecom industry, and
Whereas there is strength in numbers and in preparation, therefore
Be it RESOLVED that CWA will constitute a 10-person AT&T Strike Committee elected by the Locals representing expiring AT&T contracts in 2022. The mission of the committee will be to plan and be prepared to execute a powerful strike that would shut down AT&T and win the full, just demands of CWA members across all AT&T contracts.
No Justice, No Dial Tone!
4. Resolution Against Labor Laws that Block Effective Strikes and Handcuff Workers Struggles
Whereas U.S. labor law prohibits jurisdictional strikes, wildcat strikes, solidarity or political strikes, secondary boycotts, secondary and mass picketing - the very tactics that built the great industrial unions like the CWA in this country, and
Whereas these laws continue to restrain the U.S. labor movement for the benefit of a few billionaires and their corporations, and prevent the working class from living full, empowered lives with necessary resources for housing, healthcare, education, and recreation
Whereas CWA agrees with the great liberation organizer Martin Luther King Jr., that "one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws” and so therefore
Be it Resolved that CWA opposes Taft-Hartley and all unjust anti-labor laws and recognizes that they must not only be overturned legislatively but through the active defiance of the labor movement.
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Member Survey - August 2021
Make your voice heard! Please fill out this short Union survey covering important issues like COVID-19 policy and Work From Home. Survey closes 08/20/21.
Your answers will be anonymous and used to help inform our Union on the direction and priorities we should take.
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CWA 7250 Solidarity with Protests in Cuba // CWA 7250 Solidaridad con protestas en Cuba
The Communications Workers of America Local 7250 stands with the Cuban people protesting for freedom since the events of July 11 across several cities in Cuba.
In the first international call between our two nations and parent companies in 1917 where Cuba replied," I don't understand you." CWA 7250 understands /we come from a rich history since the beginning; with our founder Joseph Beirne, our union helped union leaders from The Federacion Sindical de Telefonos Cuba escape Cuba once Castro purged the labor movement in Cuba in the early '60s. CWA has always stood in full solidarity with Cuban workers and with the Cuban people in their struggle for labor, human and democratic rights.
CWA 7250 condemns the Cuban government's continued imprisonment, arrest, torture, and other acts of unconscionable harassment against its own people, the working class. CWA ask the Cuban regime to hear their people and serve their needs at this vital moment rather than enriching themselves and using violence and terror. We ask the CWA and all other unions and movements for justice in this country to give solidarity to the protest movement, grassroots organizations, and independent unions in Cuba - and not to the dictatorship.
Resolution offered by Hector Capote & Jandy Santoya and approved by CWA 7250 membership 07/21/2021
en Espanol
El Local 7250 de Communications Workers of America apoya al pueblo cubano que protesta por la libertad desde los eventos del 11 de julio en varias ciudades de Cuba.
En la primera llamada internacional entre nuestras dos naciones y empresas matrices en 1917, Cuba respondió: "No te entiendo". CWA 7250 entiende que venimos de una rica historia desde el principio; con nuestro fundador Joseph Beirne, nuestro sindicato ayudó a los líderes sindicales de la Federación Sindical de Teléfonos Cuba a escapar de Cuba una vez que Castro purgó el movimiento obrero en Cuba a principios de los años sesenta. CWA siempre se ha mantenido en total solidaridad con los obreros cubanos y con el pueblo cubano en su lucha por los derechos laborales, humanos y democráticos.
CWA 7250 condena el continuo encarcelamiento, arresto, tortura y otros actos de hostigamiento desmedido del gobierno cubano contra su propio pueblo, la clase obreros. CWA le pide al régimen cubano que escuche a su gente y atienda sus necesidades en este momento vital en lugar de enriquecerse y usar la violencia y el terror. Pedimos a la CWA y a todos los demás sindicatos y movimientos por la justicia en este país que se solidaricen con el movimiento de protesta, las organizaciones de base y los sindicatos independientes en Cuba, y no con la dictadura.
Resolución ofrecida por Héctor Capote y Jandy Santoya y aprobada por la membresía de CWA 7250 21/07/2021
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